Evaluation of dry powder aerosol influenza vaccine for chickens

Pulmonary immunization of chickens using non-adjuvanted spray-freeze dried whole inactivated virus vaccine completely protects against highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus

Ben Peeters et al. (2014) Vaccine 32: 6445–6450. doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2014.09.048

Freely accessible commentary on the project and wider considerations, including production capacity, available in Poultry World (Dick van Doorn, 6 Mar 2017 “Vaccine atomisation promising for influenza immunisation“)

Human H7N9 in China

WHO update (10 Mar) – including 2 possible, small human-human-transmission clusters and a Hong Kong case after a visit to mainland China.

Outbreak News Today update (13 Mar) including ECDC map and risk assessment of HPAI mutants

ECDC 6th Rapid Risk Assessment on H7N9 in China (9 Mar)

New Scientist article (21 Feb) on increased number of human H7N9 cases in China this year, with emergence of HPAI derivatives in China & Taiwan

Laurie Garrett’s article (“A Lethal Bird Flu Returns to China“) on H7N9 in China on the Council on Foreign Relations website.

Avian Influenza in humans,  H7N9 Factsheet for Health Professionals & Avian Influenza in Humans Risk Assessments (ECDC)

CDC            WHO

Blogs:       Avian Flu Diary   Crawford Kilian’s H7N9

“Treaty to stop biopiracy threatens to delay flu vaccines”

Industry and public-health experts concerned about ramifications of Nagoya Protocol.

Report by Daniel Cressey in Nature, 9 February 2017, with comments by:

John McCauley, director of the Francis Crick Institute Worldwide Influenza Centre in London

Stephen Inglis, former director of the UK’s National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (the Institute’s Influenza Resource Centre play’s important roles in the development of new seasonal and pre-pandemic influenza vaccines)

New page on infectious bursal disease virus

Article on infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV), contributed by Andrew Broadbent of The Pirbright Institute

Joining existing pages:

Avian influenza virus, contributed by Jason Long

NDV & other paramyxoviruses, contributed by Kiril M. Dimitrov, Patti J. Miller and Claudio L. Afonso

Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), contributed by Helena Maier

Chicken anaemia virus, contributed by Stathis Giotis

Avipoxviruses, contributed by Mike Skinner

Marek’s disease virus, contributed by Prof Venugopal Nair

Would you like to contribute an item? Please send us your suggestions/proposals.

New page on Avian influenza virus

Article on Avian influenza virus, contributed by Jason Long of Imperial College London

Joining existing pages:

NDV & other paramyxoviruses, contributed by Kiril M. Dimitrov, Patti J. Miller and Claudio L. Afonso

Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), contributed by Helena Maier

Chicken anaemia virus, contributed by Stathis Giotis

Avipoxviruses, contributed by Mike Skinner

Marek’s disease virus, contributed by Prof Venugopal Nair

Would you like to contribute an item? Please send us your suggestions/proposals.