H5N6 outbreaks

UK DEFRA situation assessment (14-Feb-18)

UK DEFRA latest guidance on Avian influenza, including establishment of Prevention Zone (18 Jan).

Poultry World 12-Jan-18 reports H5N6 outbreak in Japan (OIE report), the first since March 2017

First detection of H5N6 in UK: found in 3 dead mute swans from Dorset – ProMED (11-Jan-18). DEFRA prevention zone (12-Jan-18)

ProMED (9-Jan-18) H5N6 outbreak in farmed ducks in S. Korea

ProMED (9-Jan-18) H5N6 in wild duck in Bavaria, Germany

Human case (18th since 2014) of H5N6 in China (3 yr old, recovered, after contact with poultry) – ProMed_9-Jan-18

ProMED description of the characterisation of a recent H5N6 isolate in Korea (12 Dec 17)

ProMED report of the characterisation of an H5N6 isolate in the Netherlands (9 Dec 17)

CIDRAP (24 Aug 17): H5N6 in Philippines


CDC Emerging Infectious Diseases article on characterisation of HPAI H5N6 from Japan in Nov 2016

WHO on human H5N6 cases in China in Nov/Dec 2016