“Identification of a European interserotypic reassortant strain of infectious bursal disease virus” reported by Soubies et al. in Avian Pathology.
Author: Mike Skinner
Not particularly recent but check out a 2013 issue of Developmental & Comparative Immunology on “Chicken Immunity“, which includes reviews on aspects of innate and viral immunity.
New NDV paper reviewed on TWiV
A new paper, on the “Presence of Vaccine-Derived Newcastle Disease Viruses in Wild Birds” by the contributors to our recent page on NDV, is reviewed on TWiV in episode 411 (“Chicken runs”).
New page on NDV & other paramyxoviruses
Article on NDV & other paramyxoviruses, contributed by Kiril M. Dimitrov, Patti J. Miller and Claudio L. Afonso of the US National Poultry Research Center, Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory in Athens, Georgia, USA.
Joining existing pages:
Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), contributed by Helena Maier
Chicken anaemia virus, contributed by Stathis Giotis
Avipoxviruses, contributed by Mike Skinner
Marek’s disease virus, contributed by Prof Venugopal Nair
Would you like to contribute an item? Please send us your suggestions/proposals.
Galgal5 in ENSEMBL’s October release
ENSEMBL has included latest annotated chicken genome assembly (Galgal5) in its October release (86).
Veterinary Vaccinology Network Conference
Veterinary Vaccinology Network Third Annual Conference 16-17 January 2017, Belfast
Avian Virus Meeting Poster Prize Winner
Congratulations to Carina Conceicao of the Roslin Institute for winning the Journal of General Virology prize at the Avian Virus meeting for her poster ‘Morphology of avian influenza A virus‘, and thanks to all those who presented their fantastic posters in a competitive field.
Poultry Health Course
The Poultry Health Course run by The Pirbright Institute and The University of Nottingham is open for applications for the Spring 2017 residential course. This year’s online course started on 3rd Oct.
15th Nov – next deadline- Houghton Trust Travel Grants
Next deadline 15th Nov.
Grants for young avian diseases research workers, of any nationality, aged 35 or under, to undertake the following, in countries other than their own:
- Attendance and participation in scientific meetings.
- Short visits to appropriate laboratories for discussions and/or learning specific techniques (maximum duration 14 days).
- Appropriate training courses (not exceeding 14 days).
Avian Virus Collection at JGV
The Journal of General Virology (proceeds from which helps support the Microbiology Society in furthering and promoting microbiology) is promoting its Avian Virus Collection, and has issued a call for papers to add to the collection.