The Poultry Health Course run by The Pirbright Institute and The University of Nottingham is open for applications for the Spring 2017 residential course. This year’s online course started on 3rd Oct.
15th Nov – next deadline- Houghton Trust Travel Grants
Next deadline 15th Nov.
Grants for young avian diseases research workers, of any nationality, aged 35 or under, to undertake the following, in countries other than their own:
- Attendance and participation in scientific meetings.
- Short visits to appropriate laboratories for discussions and/or learning specific techniques (maximum duration 14 days).
- Appropriate training courses (not exceeding 14 days).
Avian Virus Collection at JGV
The Journal of General Virology (proceeds from which helps support the Microbiology Society in furthering and promoting microbiology) is promoting its Avian Virus Collection, and has issued a call for papers to add to the collection.
New virus associated with an emerging avian wildlife disease
Novel Picornavirus Associated with Avian Keratin Disorder (AKD) in Alaskan Birds
See the phenotypic picture in a new tab
Maxine Zylberberg et al. from Joe de Risi’s lab.
in mBio vol. 7 no. 4; 26 July 2016
New page on IBV
Article on infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), contributed by Helena Maier of The Pirbright Institute.
Joining existing pages:
Chicken anaemia virus, contributed by Stathis Giotis
Avipoxviruses, contributed by Mike Skinner
Marek’s disease virus, contributed by Prof Venugopal Nair
Like to contribute an item? Please send us your suggestions/proposals.
University College London Virtual Virology Club
THURSDAY 22nd September 2016; 4PM
Hosted by Professor Wendy Barclay, Chair in Influenza Medicine, Imperial College London
Jason Long – Defining Host range barriers that limit avian influenza polymerase in human cells
Wendy Barclay and Hui Li – Understanding the severity of zoonotic avian influenza viruses
Daniel Goldhill – Measuring the error rate of influenza polymerase to track pandemic evolution
Anika Singanayagam – The balance between pH stability of influenza HA protein, transmission and virulence
Wendy Barclay and Rebecca Frise – Counting influenza transmission
Another virus page!
Marek’s disease virus, contributed by Prof Venugopal Nair
Joining previous pages:
Chicken anaemia virus, contributed by Stathis Giotis
Avipoxviruses, contributed by Mike Skinner
ChISG Browser website
Our ChISG Browser website is now available.
It includes screenshots of RNA-seq data for each ISG under basal and IFN-induced conditions (as described in our recent paper in Veterinary Research on the Chicken Interferome) based on comparison of chick embryo fibroblast transcriptomic data from two commercial microarrays as well as RNA-seq, which identified almost 200 interferon-regulated/stimulated genes.
New virus page
An overview of the Avipoxviruses, contributed by Mike Skinner
Our first virus page!
Chicken anaemia virus – contributed by our own Stathis Giotis